Council Of Clocks

Monday, June 05, 2006

And for the Auspicious Game Junkie...

- Sean

I'd definitely describe that as the feeling in my mind as I toured around the ISU campus yesterday/today. Orientation in general was...well, boring; but they're doing their best (if only they could shorten it by thirty minutes).

If no one else in my group will speak up, I will definitely be the first:

My advisor is insane!

Why? Well, she left an interesting impression on me and my soon-to-be classmates that day. What follows are words of either wisdom or insanity:

"If you are a game junkie...LEAVE YOUR PC AT HOME!"

-> Insert ten minutes of rambling about games and game addicts
-> Followed shortly by our clothing and how our advisor doesn't know much about Comp Sci
-> Followed by threats and verbal abusement (half true, but for the sake of entertainment)

"Thank you for coming."

There was more, but I was too frightened to remember. However, talking one-on-one with her is not so bad, maybe she's just stressed or ticked off about that honor student obtaining a 0.00 GPA because of WoW.


Com S 101
English 104
Math 165
Music 102
Com S 227

I really really wanted to take Chinese 101, but alas, no more seats available (it sucks to be a freshmen...). Then I tried for Music Composition (Music 221 or 211, I forget) and it was the same situation.

There is hope however, that some fool will drop out of Chinese 101 during July (class change time) and if it happens I will be as a cheeta pouncing onto a trampoline and I will enlist in that course ASAP. If not, I have a backup plan.

Political Science. I sat in on one of Dirk's (Political Science professor) classes and I loved it. I will definitely be searching for an open seat in one of his classes (plus, I got to have breakfest with him and he's a hell of a nice guy).

After all the orientation I was exhausted and ended up (no joke) falling asleep in a chair in one of the Cafes that Drew and I went to. So he dropped me off at the hotel and I was out like a light.

Now I'm back and ready to make the most of my summer! Who's up for some swimming and water balloon fights?!


  • Hey, I'm commenting... wonder how I managed to do that from the kitchen?

    flat... gleek... swoon!

    By Blogger EEK, at 1:06 AM  

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